
Please click on the pictures to view content.

Instructional materials Embroidery

Introduction to embroidery

The first real detailed tutorial that I created from scratch utilizing the Dick and Carey model of Instructional design

the instructional design process.pdf

This is a flyer I created in order to help me remember the 10 steps in Instructional design

This is a training website I created to encourage the use of the Hybrid/Blended learning approach  in Nigerian universities.

A link to the entire project can be found here

This is a digital story I  made on the need for history education in Nigeria. 

These are supplemental activities I created to accompany the digital story on the importance of history education in Nigerian schools. 

This is an informational flyer I made on some of the important parts of UX design

My first ever website! I created this website using basic HTML and notepad. I keep it here to see if my ideas and dreams change, and how they do.

Digital Media Portfolio

Digital Imaging portfolio

My first foray into purposeful image capturing

Digital Portfolio

Please click here to see general works I have done for myself and for others